Wednesday, April 10, 2019

My daily monitor

I work on a Db2 site that manage about 150 Db2 subsystems from our banking group. So tooling is essential to have  eyes on what happen on them daily.

This Rexx runs on all our production lpars every morning, reads the statistics and write a warning / alert when some threshold is reached. (I also have one that reads directly the BMC Performance Reporter DMRSTAT table, contact me if you need it )

This is updated frequently with all the informations i get from the best practices and presentations ....

Get the code here

We also have a Rexx to scan daily the Db2 stc (mstr, dbm1 , irlm ..) output  , doing DFSMS checks , controling the  interval between two offloads ... put these informations in a dataset and send alerts to e-mail accounts.  Then we  can call a Rexx to read all these informations and present them to us in  a central, unique point.
It is here :